Saturday, August 14, 2010


Anyone who ever thought of becoming a teacher, please do check if you have anger management problem and if your patient enough to deal with not so very smart students. Whenever you propose to teach someone or even agree to teach someone, please be aware that its possible not EVERYONE thinks like you.

I realized one of the reason why students or younger children stop asking adults or teachers questions anymore. If they don't understand things, why do they not ask? True, sometimes it could be because the students or children don't wanna look stupid or less smarter than the rest of the kids. But wanna know another reason I found?

The ones that agrees to teach, or even the people that proposes to teach the student/kid, sometimes forgot to watch their anger and start sayin very discouraging things to the child. (E.g. Why you cannot understand such simple things? Whats so hard bout this?) To be honest, I realize that its becoming a trend. That friends are even speaking to their friends the same way when teaching. Or even older siblings to younger siblings.

And to think many adults wonder why students don't ask questions if they don't understand. You want the child to ask what he/she don't understand. You want them to be really clear they understand. But, if they r still confuse, you go discourage them. How does that help? By discouragin them you make them feel stupider, which was exactly what they wanted to avoid.

But to the youths, we can't always blame the adults. Even in work, a mistake was done in the office, some boss' do discourage their employees when not satisfied with the work. Doing so, the adults could release the anger out on the child.

But you know what, I believe why the adults are like tht in the first place, well, number one the scolding person wanna look smart, wanna feel good and well, show you that they are smarter and higher standard than you. Number two, they just got it while they were a kid themself. What environment you're in, what experience you had, all this shapes you to how you will respond, react and think.

So yea, if only we stop discouraging ppl that are slower to understand, we probably make a difference. I admit, sometimes I myself have discouraged my sister telling her like "How can you not get tht? Its tht easy..". Reason? It felt good. Also, I was running out of patience.

So ppl, if you ever wanna teach. Please don't discourage. Also, check your patience level. Avoid teaching if you can, unless you're really sure you won't destroy the person's confidence level.

Thats it.



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