It happened during Prayer 105, was a bit reluctant I admit but guess what I've learnt?
Many times we ask God, "Lord Lord, please grant me *this*", "Lord will you show me the way" and so on. Yet, we do not seem to get any physical or obvious sign from God. Why is that? Sometimes we even question God "Why won't you answer me?".
Number 1, you do not accept His answer. You want it your way, even though He knows its not what you need.
Number 2, its not the right timing. Therefore it comes later but you are impatient. And even after you get it, do you give thanks??
Number 3, you say but do not fully believe. Though you ask, in your heart you have a part which says "I'm just gonna do this just in case I do not get an answer". So r u not expecting an answer?
Number 4, you do not read the Word, you do not make time for Him. You probably don't understand why your life is turning like that. You feel alone and unloved. Why is that?? Though you know God loves you, why do you waver? Could it be you're not grounded in the Word? In the truth?
Number 5... This what strikes me most.
Be STILL... If you didn't realize, in one week, which is 7 days, we rush through our days with work and school, sometimes too concentrated with the world and work around us that we just pass Him by. Though He speaks, we are too caught up in our work to focus on Him. To make that few 10 - 20 min listening to Him. We work and work till we're tired then read the Word tiredly, then fall asleep. Everyday this becomes like a routine. Your Spirit and mind is not calm to listen, it is not stilled frm all the activities.
Why is it that during Youth camps everyone is just so fired up for God?? Yet after few months down the road.. Everybody becomes... dull.. The fire dims.. But when camp comes again, everyone is fired up!! And the process repeats. Why is it?? what is the difference between camp and daily life?The difference is that, when ur at camp, your entire being is focused solely on God. Your mind does not think bout work or assignments or anything else. Each and everyday at camp you look forward for what God has next in store, you look forward for the next journey or challenge that teaches you more bout God. Everything in camp is focused on God. That is why everyone is so fired up!! Compare to your daily life, most of the time your focus is more towards work and studies.Today, God says.. Be still. Focus entirely on Him. Do not think bout your work just for 20min. Just you and Him. Find that time, come back, stop lettin that fire dim. Keep it burning.
I know its not easy, even I myself admit. But God will never look down upon us if we fail. He will keep encouragin us and watching over us. If you're looking for an answer.
Be still.. Listen.. Focus upon Him. Have FAITH!!Loves~