Hey ppl, I'm back!!! Yes its been very very long. Well, quite long, almost a month since I post?
Well, as I was driving back today and talking to a lil' non-blood related brother of mine. Lol~ I just couldn't help but think that many times we just look up / admire ppl who are strong willed. Strong hearted. Successful and so on. But we lack to see what they did in order to achieve them.
Its true when the ppl say no muscles can be built till you remove a boulder before you. In the same way, no strength can be built without any challenges and hardships that come at us.
Most of the time, it takes sweat, blood, scars, pain and wounds just to be strong. To be the pillar of salt that anyone can lean on. I sometimes wonder, do we rather enjoy having be the pillar, or do we enjoy leaning on them? Its a nice feeling knowing there is someone you can depend on, knowing someone will be there to save you or be with you no matter what. However, I believe that in every person that grows and overflows with charisma of being strong-heart / strong-willed, he or she had to go through tough times in order to be who he or she is today.
For people with talent and skills, I once used to be slightly jealous that they are able to do it so easily. But think again, they have that talent and skill cause they enjoy it. When they enjoy it, they work hard for it. They push themselves to improve behind ppl's back and display them as if its tht easy. I dunno, but sometimes it feels like it XD. Its just a theory =P.
Nothing comes easy int his world. And let me add, just because you believe God is real. Does not mean that your life will be perfect. Does not mean trouble will not come your way. If it comes, yes we are unfortunate. But that does not mean God is testing us or punishing us, maybe in certain situations if u had broken a promise with God. But!! It is your choice in the end whether to what you believe in. But I always believe that just trust God, He will help and bless those who continue to have faith in Him. He is faithful yesterday, today and forever more.
If you lose hope in Him, what more can He do? Its like, Jesus is knocking on your door asking to let Him help you but you refuse, yet you still go around saying God don't wanna help. Weird and funny isn't it?
Life is harsh, I'm trying to go thru it. Its not easy for me, though my mind says its so tough, let it be a reminder that I am still blessed and well off than those who does not have a shelter over their head or a warm blanket to protect them from the cold or a nice meal prepared at the table.
Sweet dreams world~
Love~ <3